A track from this demo was in a recent episode of La Hora del Ruido (Noise Not Borders Radio). I missed the live broadcast, but thankfully Boris specifically told me to check out this band because of my known interest in new drum-machine-driven punk and hardcore.

D​é​mo opens (after a sample I can't place) with a drum machine d-beat, so it's going straight to my heart. The drums are loud and up-front as they should be. The vocals are are delivered in shouted unintelligible French, possibly 50% just grunts and growls. It's great. The riffs are catchy and mostly fast, but often we'll get a sick and well-placed breakdown in the 3rd quarter of the track. I wouldn't do it any differently.

The B-side is a repeat of the A-side but produced with an alternate, more fucked up drum-machine, combining drum machine samples with "sons acoustiques" (acoustic sounds). I love the inclusion of this extra material.

This is certainly a demo, a two person recording project and some listeners might find the guitar especially a little under-produced. Personally the more I listen, the more I love it and I really hope we get a full-length from ALLUSION. I hope they'll follow their instincts to experiment demonstrated by the alternate takes and push the drum machines and fucked up sounds further in future releases.

FFO: STREET GLOVES, all the French drum-machine punk

Co-release by two French labels: Bitume Rugeux in Toulouse, and Urticaria Records in Nantes