All posts by Taylor Joy:
FLIP ON SHORT EDGE: A Punk's Guide to Printing Zines
So you want to print some zines (like the ones in The Counterforce digital distro) to distribute at a punk show or other event, or to just give out to your friends. Sick! If you are new to printing or copying zines or just need a refresher, and want to avoid frustration and wasted paper, this guide is for you. This guide will mostly cover standard, Letter-sized-paper-folded-in-half-and-stapled style zines aka "saddle stitch" (like the Counterforce zines pictured in the header image). This is th...
Intro to La Chaîne
La Chaîne is a monthly-ish newsletter/infolettre that is printed and distributed in Montreal since 2022. It's been running steady for a year and a half now and has become a staple in every kitchen/bathroom in town. ...