CONDUMB’s S/T debut ep does something that I think is nearly impossible: sound very good and very noisy at the same time. Everything is balanced and shines while a layer of high gain covers the whole thing. Trish, who also plays guitar, did a great job recording this (as well as everything else of hers that I’ve heard). The bass is punchy and helps drive the entire ep, the drums are solid and straight forward in a way that props up the riffs instead of distracts from them. When I sent this to a friend his first response was “well deployed flanger”. And not to go unnoticed, the vocals tie it all together in one wild package.
Just looking at the cover, I think it’s obvious what bands influence CONDUMB, but these songs never feel derived or unoriginal. The songs are chaotic and when they don’t make you want to pogo they are blisteringly fast. My favorite track is 'Coward'. It’s hypnotizingly rhythmic at times and the main riff makes me want to smash through a wall. When I finally put my hand into the table saw at work because I can’t take the punishment of my reactionary coworker anymore, I hope this is the record I am listening to.
Speaking of the cover, I believe this is the last piece of art by the late Ryan Fromdland, a beloved Philly (and Florida) punk whose art and flyers has been gracing punk for close to two decades. Making nods to the bands and records that influenced him, and in this case CONDUMB, Ryan’s style (and humor) has left a lasting impact and we are worse off without him and his vision in this world.
Available soon from Philly’s premier label of dumbassery Stupid Bag Records: https://www.stupidbagrecords.com
Listen to it here: https://condumb.bandcamp.com/ and when you inevitably run out of free plays, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6fZaEI4nhk