Contributed by F.A.R. COMPANY
Doing a video promo for Roachy awhile back now I got given a glimpse into upcoming releases coming out on the ever so busy and consistent label from new york (Roachleg Records). In amongst this folder laid a folder called EVIL SPIRIT, ears pricked up like a scrap yard guard dog seeing an intruder on a Friday night when the tracks started to play. The sound quality was already sounding like it came from a boombox running on low batteries, so I was very keen to here the final results dub to tape again. There's not much information on this band except for a relic of a bandcamp page from over a decade ago with this same demo, so this recording isn't from 2023 hence the "Exhumed" edition title. From what Roachy told me it was sent to him via tape from a skid row motel address?? But I have my conspiracy about this band, but that's another page of rambling and not worth explaining here just in case I'm wrong hahhahaha.
Sounding like all the gems from 80s japan, think G.I.S.M., ZOUO to keep it simple. But the final result when I finally got the physical copy of this release was a exactly what I love!! 2 generation sounding tape with sounds peaking into the red and dipping in and out of volume here and there to give it that penpal mix tape feeling. It seems to be 3 tracks that blend into one adventure. Starting of with the M.A.N.-sounding noise intro to set the pace and then dives into the banger track on this tape. Also the extra treat to this track is the guitar solo which turned into a whistling ear worm for me and the reason for consistent repeat of the tape. The solo sounds like Randy Uchida on a $40 dollar budget, but still holds the might and spirit of a Randy Uchida guitar solo. Especially the harmony bit of the guitar solo it is so disgustingly spot on and catchy. Then back to some more M.A.N. noise to round it up.
10 out 10 nothing to fault here and a reminder that a demo tape is a demo tape and no need to go to a studio to do one, EVIL SPIRIT prove that here by apparently doing it from a motel room in skid row, hahahahaha.
Released on ROACHLEG RECORDS 2023
Listen here: https://roachlegrecords.bandcamp.com/album/evil-spirit-black-cross