Behold the new dawn of stench...
It's not often a band that places itself so firmly in a well established subgenre of punk outshines it's predecessors. But the monolithic weight of the 3 tracks from PORTAL TOMB's first release might just be the best stenchcore this side of the pond has ever seen. Crusty, rumbling bass tones, sweeping guitar riffs and pummelling drums all accompanied by the guttural war cries of guitarist/vocalist Aíne. Opening track "SELF" is a rallying cry against individualism and the oppressive trappings of society. "TURADH" is the gloomy, building instrumental that twists around the drums and guitars, setting the stage perfectly for the closing track "REPUDIATION". A blazing, double kick induced miasma of crust that demands you "get off your knees", seize the power of your words and actions, rise up against the colonial powers that be. Just over 12 minutes long, PORTAL TOMB are on the front lines of the crust war, ready to dig into the trenches and fight back against the monotony and strife that weighs down our world.
The cassette tape (available through https://www.soremind.com/) is a beautiful collaboration between punk design legends Wilbur and Chris (of SoreMind). A printed cassette AND cassette case create a truly unique design, further enhanced by additional quotes on the j-card.
"The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living."
I've had the pleasure of catching PORTAL TOMB live a few times now, every time tighter and louder than the last. If you get the chance to catch them live, dust off the butt flap, don the Deviated Instinct shirt and enjoy the ride.
Find the demo on bandcamp: https://portaltomb.bandcamp.com/album/last-frost-demo
Pick up a tape at: https://www.soremind.com/ (grab one before they sell out!!)