2 posts
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HEZ // MIRAGE // TOTAL NADA // TENAZ // RECALL @ Sala Rossa, Montreal, June 22, 2024
This was day 2 of the Noise Not Borders curated shows at the Suoni Per Il Popolo fest. This was a big weekend for shows in Montreal, with multiple shows Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Just a regular Montreal summer-kickoff weekend. I didn't want to miss any of it so I got there early and had a nice time hanging out out front of the venue. This venue has a sub stage that gets set up on the floor for smaller shows and it was placed in front of the main stage, like a short runway jutting out. It mad...

RECALL - "Demo 2024"
RECALL is a new band from Montreal, featuring member of SPACERS, PEEVE, DEADBOLT and TOTAL NADA. The demo opens with a slow plodding intro track with an almost spoke-word vocal delivery. It kinda lets you know you're in for some anarcho-vibes, at least politically speaking. After the intro the band kicks into the higher tempo d-beat that set the tone for the rest of the demo. There are still ample tempo changes and a few short breaks such that everything fits under their self-definition of "har...