Site News
News about this website itself, new features, new updates, etc.
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NO BRAINS zine added + Directory updates
A new printable zine PDF as been added to the zine distro: NO BRAINS #3. Also added the newest MRR Reviews digest for Issue #501. Download these zines, print some copies, and distro them at shows! The Directory has also been updated with a few additions and more categories. For example there is now a Calendars category with all the online show calendars we know about. If you know of one we are missing (or anything else!) please get in touch....
New Zines from Hattiesburg
Courtesy of the punks in Dog City, USA, we have several new zines you may print out and distribute on the ZINES page. ...

The Counterforce Issue #4
The fourth print issue of The Counterforce is here, featuring all the year-end lists from our contributors, plus a few extra reviews and A Punk's Guide to Printing Zines (relevant!). Grab the printable PDF of this issue, previous issues, and more on the Zines page....

The Counterforce 2024 Top Ten roundup
It's the first end-of-a-year for The Counterforce (although only our 8th month anniversary), so this is our first time doing Top Tens. We've got a lovely selection from many of our regularly contributors as well as some first timers....
Fall 2024 Directory additions
Some new additions to The Counterforce directory: Zines: Karton (France), DIY Zine (California) Sites: (Show listings from France/Belgium) Radio: Lazos Punks If you know of other punk projects online (websites, zines, radio shows/podcasts) please submit them!...

New Zine - THINK! edition nil
We have a new zine submitted from Holistic Industries added to the digital zine distro: THINK! edition nil. Several reviews and a few musings about punk. Download, print and distribute alongside our other zines!...

The Counterforce Issue #3
The 3rd print version of The Counterforce is out, covering everything up to mid-october 2024. Download and print the PDF version and distro it yourself! This issue has a lot of photos, so we prepared a color version in addition to a B&W version in case you have access to a color copy scam ;) Find both, and more zines to print and distro on the Zines page....

The Counterforce Issue #2
The second print edition of The Counterforce zine is out, compiling everything on the site into a pdf that you can print and distro yourself!! Just check out the zines page to get the PDF. Get in touch if you want to contribute something to the site and to be included in the next issue! We would like to see submissions from friends who share our mission from all over. Reviews, scene reports, how-to guides, letters... any pitch or submission or idea is welcome....

The Counterforce Issue #1
Welcome! This website is coming together and this weekend marks the release of the first print issue of The Counterforce print zine. It includes everything published on the site so far and is the first print issue of many more to come. You can print this zine out yourself and distribute it not-for-profit. Start a zine distro in your town or add this issue to an existing distro. Get in touch if you want to contribute something to the site and to be included in the next issue! We would like to se...