Contributed by Hobbes
First things first: ULTIMATE DISASTER’s demo is a refreshing blast of straightforward punishment, an antidote to my recent bout of math fatigue. Listening to their demo feels like breathing fresh air after being trapped in an elevator with a backlog of 2020s bands, all hell-bent on being the cleverest reinterpretation of d-beat.
ULTIMATE DISASTER understands that sometimes, the real challenge lies in executing something simple. Thankfully, they deliver exactly what I’ve been craving: an unrelenting, direct sound that feels like a much-needed slap in the face. The recording itself features very forward vocals, which certainly demand attention. While this style can be hit or miss, it works perfectly here, giving a sense of palpable anticipation, as if someone is right next to you, daring you to dive into the madness. Hesitate, and get pushed in. No one’s waiting for you.
I’m consistently a big advocate for minimal lyrics. If you need a novel to convey your message in d-beat, you’re doing it wrong. ULTIMATE DISASTER (to my amusement) surpasses even my expectations with a masterclass in brevity: “LBH” (Living Breathing Hell).
The recording is clear, and while I typically yearn for more dirt on a demo, we are thankfully still far from the sterile, linoleum-tiled, fluorescent lit d-beat recordings I’ve grown to dread. ULTIMATE DISASTER manages to keep it raw while prioritizing clarity.
This band doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is, and I appreciate them for that. Another great band from Richmond, Virginia, serving as a testament to the relentless and motivating spirit of that scene. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for future releases from Acute Noise Manufacture.
Listen here: https://ultimatedisaster.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2024
Released on Acute Noise Manufacture